
Main package containing all neccesarry functions


module settings.aliases



enum colorSetting

Adds type="color" to string types

enum dateSetting

Adds type="date" to string types

enum datetimeLocalSetting

Adds type="datetime-local" to string types

enum disabledSetting

Adds disabled to any input

enum emailSetting

Adds type="email" to string types

enum monthSetting

Adds type="month" to string types

enum multilineSetting

Makes string types textareas

enum nonAutomaticSetting

Disables automatic JS saving when changing the input

enum optionsSetting

Changes a dropdown to a radio button list

enum rangeSetting

Adds type="range" to numeric types

enum requiredSetting

Adds required to any input

enum timeSetting

Adds type="time" to string types

enum urlSetting

Adds type="url" to string types

enum weekSetting

Adds type="week" to string types


string makeHumanName(string identifier)

Converts correctBookISBN_number to "Correct Book ISBN Number"

bool processSetting(HTTPServerRequest req, Config config, bool strict, bool post)

Function processing user input and validating for correctness.

The following validations are done:
If the setting is a disabledSetting, it will always skip this field.
If the setting has a settingPattern, it will validate the raw value (no matter what type) against this regex.
If the setting is a number, will be used to try to convert it to a double and then it will be cast to the type after checking min/max/step.
If the setting is a BitFlags!T every passed argument will be checked if it is contained inside the enum T or when submitted via JS only the one specified argument will get validated and inverted if starting with !
If the setting is an enum the value will be checked if it is contained inside the enum.
Additionally if the setting is a floating point number and there hasn't been a min/max setup but it is a rangeSetting, the number will be finite.
Integral numbers will always be checked if finite & if no range is given they will be clamped.

Attributes for strings:
emailSetting is validated using, EmailStatusCode.any)
urlSetting is validated using vibe.inet.url.URL
timeSetting is checked against pattern 00:00 + checking if 0 <= hour < 24 && 0 <= minute < 60
weekSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-W00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= week <= 52
monthSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= month <= 12
datetimeLocalSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00T00:00 + passing into std.datetime.SysTime.fromISOExtString`
dateSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00 + checking the date using std.datetime.Date
colorSetting is checked against pattern #FFFFFF
Values using these attributes can be used without the need to validate the input.

ulong processSettings(HTTPServerRequest req, T config, bool strict, bool post)

Function processing user input and validating for correctness.

The following validations are done:
If the setting is a disabledSetting, it will always skip this field.
If the setting has a settingPattern, it will validate the raw value (no matter what type) against this regex.
If the setting is a number, will be used to try to convert it to a double and then it will be cast to the type after checking min/max/step.
If the setting is a BitFlags!T every passed argument will be checked if it is contained inside the enum T or when submitted via JS only the one specified argument will get validated and inverted if starting with !
If the setting is an enum the value will be checked if it is contained inside the enum.
Additionally if the setting is a floating point number and there hasn't been a min/max setup but it is a rangeSetting, the number will be finite.
Integral numbers will always be checked if finite & if no range is given they will be clamped.

Attributes for strings:
emailSetting is validated using, EmailStatusCode.any)
urlSetting is validated using vibe.inet.url.URL
timeSetting is checked against pattern 00:00 + checking if 0 <= hour < 24 && 0 <= minute < 60
weekSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-W00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= week <= 52
monthSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= month <= 12
datetimeLocalSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00T00:00 + passing into std.datetime.SysTime.fromISOExtString`
dateSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00 + checking the date using std.datetime.Date
colorSetting is checked against pattern #FFFFFF
Values using these attributes can be used without the need to validate the input.

string renderSetting(Config config, bool success)

Generates a single input

string renderSettings(T value, string formAttributes, string action, string method, string jsAction)
string renderSettings(T value, ulong set, string formAttributes, string action, string method, string jsAction)

Generates a HTML form for a configuration struct T with automatic instant updates using AJAX. The fields can be annotated with the various UDAs found in this module. (setting enums + structs)
Supported types: enum (drop down lists or radio box lists), std.typecons.BitFlags (checkbox lists), bool (checkbox), string types (text, email, url, etc.), numeric types (number), std.datetime.DateTime (datetime-local), std.datetime.Date (date), std.datetime.TimeOfDay (time), vibe.inet.URL (url)

bool validateColorString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "#xxxxxx"

bool validateDateString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0000-00-00"

bool validateDatetimeLocalString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0000-00-00T00:00"

bool validateMonthString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0{4,6}-00"

bool validateTimeString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "00:00"

bool validateWeekString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0{4,6}-W00"

Manifest constants

enum DefaultJavascriptCode;

Contains a updateSetting(input) function which automatically sends changes to the server.


struct DefaultInputGenerator

Controls how the input HTML is generated

struct settingLabel

Overrides the label of the input

struct settingLength

Changes the minlength="" and maxlength="" attribute for string values

struct settingMax

Changes the max="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingMin

Changes the min="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingPattern

Changes the pattern="regex" attribute

struct settingRange

Changes the min="" and max="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingStep

Changes the step="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingTitle

Changes the title="" attribute for custom error messages & tooltips

See Also

<a href="aliases.html">settings.aliases</a> for shorter UDAs
