
Main package containing all neccesarry functions


module webconfig.aliases



enum colorSetting

Adds type="color" to string types

enum dateSetting

Adds type="date" to string types

enum datetimeLocalSetting

Adds type="datetime-local" to string types

enum disabledSetting

Adds disabled to any input

enum emailSetting

Adds type="email" to string types

enum monthSetting

Adds type="month" to string types

enum multilineSetting

Makes string types textareas

enum nonAutomaticSetting

Disables automatic JS saving when changing the input

enum optionsSetting

Changes a dropdown to a radio button list

enum passwordSetting

Adds type="password" to string types

enum rangeSetting

Adds type="range" to numeric types

enum requiredSetting

Adds required to any input

enum timeSetting

Adds type="time" to string types

enum urlSetting

Adds type="url" to string types

enum weekSetting

Adds type="week" to string types


string makeHumanName(string identifier)

Converts correctBookISBN_number to "Correct Book ISBN Number"

bool processSetting(HTTPServerRequest req, Config config, bool strict, bool post)

Function processing user input and validating for correctness.

The following validations are done:
If the setting is a disabledSetting, it will always skip this field.
If the setting has a settingPattern, it will validate the raw value (no matter what type) against this regex.
If the setting is a number, std.conv.to will be used to try to convert it to a double and then it will be cast to the type after checking min/max/step.
If the setting is a BitFlags!T every passed argument will be checked if it is contained inside the enum T or when submitted via JS only the one specified argument will get validated and inverted if starting with !
If the setting is an enum the value will be checked if it is contained inside the enum.
Additionally if the setting is a floating point number and there hasn't been a min/max setup but it is a rangeSetting, the number will be finite.
Integral numbers will always be checked if finite & if no range is given they will be clamped.

Attributes for strings:
emailSetting is validated using std.net.isemail.isEmail(CheckDns.no, EmailStatusCode.any)
urlSetting is validated using vibe.inet.url.URL
timeSetting is checked against pattern 00:00 + checking if 0 <= hour < 24 && 0 <= minute < 60
weekSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-W00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= week <= 52
monthSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= month <= 12
datetimeLocalSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00T00:00 + passing into std.datetime.SysTime.fromISOExtString`
dateSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00 + checking the date using std.datetime.Date
colorSetting is checked against pattern #FFFFFF
Values using these attributes can be used without the need to validate the input.

ulong processSettings(HTTPServerRequest req, T config, bool strict, bool post)

Function processing user input and validating for correctness.

The following validations are done:
If the setting is a disabledSetting, it will always skip this field.
If the setting has a settingPattern, it will validate the raw value (no matter what type) against this regex.
If the setting is a number, std.conv.to will be used to try to convert it to a double and then it will be cast to the type after checking min/max/step.
If the setting is a BitFlags!T every passed argument will be checked if it is contained inside the enum T or when submitted via JS only the one specified argument will get validated and inverted if starting with !
If the setting is an enum the value will be checked if it is contained inside the enum.
Additionally if the setting is a floating point number and there hasn't been a min/max setup but it is a rangeSetting, the number will be finite.
Integral numbers will always be checked if finite & if no range is given they will be clamped.

Attributes for strings:
emailSetting is validated using std.net.isemail.isEmail(CheckDns.no, EmailStatusCode.any)
urlSetting is validated using vibe.inet.url.URL
timeSetting is checked against pattern 00:00 + checking if 0 <= hour < 24 && 0 <= minute < 60
weekSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-W00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= week <= 52
monthSetting is checked against pattern 0{4,6}-00 + checking if 1 <= year <= 200000 && 1 <= month <= 12
datetimeLocalSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00T00:00 + passing into std.datetime.SysTime.fromISOExtString`
dateSetting is checked against pattern 0000-00-00 + checking the date using std.datetime.Date
colorSetting is checked against pattern #FFFFFF
Values using these attributes can be used without the need to validate the input.

string renderSetting(Config config, bool success)

Generates a single input

string renderSettings(T value, string formAttributes, string action, string method, string jsAction)
string renderSettings(T value, ulong set, string formAttributes, string action, string method, string jsAction)

Generates a HTML form for a configuration struct T with automatic instant updates using AJAX. The fields can be annotated with the various UDAs found in this module. (setting enums + structs)
Supported types: enum (drop down lists or radio box lists), std.typecons.BitFlags (checkbox lists), bool (checkbox), string types (text, email, url, etc.), numeric types (number), std.datetime.DateTime (datetime-local), std.datetime.Date (date), std.datetime.TimeOfDay (time), vibe.inet.URL (url), string[] (textarea taking each line)

string translateEnum(T value, string fallback)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
bool validateColorString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "#xxxxxx"

bool validateDateString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0000-00-00"

bool validateDatetimeLocalString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0000-00-00T00:00"

bool validateMonthString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0{4,6}-00"

bool validateTimeString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "00:00"

bool validateWeekString(string s)

Validates s == pattern "0{4,6}-W00"

Manifest constants

enum DefaultFormTemplate;
Undocumented in source.
enum DefaultJavascriptCode;

Contains a updateSetting(input) function which automatically sends changes to the server.


struct DefaultInputGenerator

Controls how the input HTML is generated

struct enumTranslation

Relables all enum member names for a language. Give null as first argument to change the default language

struct formTemplate

Changes how the form HTML template looks

struct settingClass

Inserts raw CSS class name for an element.

struct settingHTML

Inserts raw HTML code before an element.

struct settingLabel

Overrides the label of the input

struct settingLength

Changes the minlength="" and maxlength="" attribute for string values

struct settingMax

Changes the max="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingMin

Changes the min="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingPattern

Changes the pattern="regex" attribute

struct settingPlaceholder

Sets the placeholder attribute for elements that support it

struct settingRange

Changes the min="" and max="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingRows

Sets the number of rows of a textarea

struct settingStep

Changes the step="" attribute for numerical values

struct settingTitle

Changes the title="" attribute for custom error messages & tooltips

struct settingTranslation

Changes the label if the current language (using a WebInterface translation context) matches the given one. You need at least vibe-d v0.8.1-alpha.3 to use this UDA.

See Also

<a href="aliases.html">settings.aliases</a> for shorter UDAs
